mardi 3 février 2015

Problem installing apps. Minimum System OS...

So I am migrating to a new 5K iMac. I have a few threads about the issues I have had with it (3rd replacement). In the end I am keeping this one.

Pretty much everything is installed app wise, save for a few things. One of the apps I am trying to install is Quark (page layout software). We do not use it often, but there are some old files we have that customers come in for repeat every now and then so I still need the app just in case. Anyways, I go to install it and I get this message "minimum system OS required is Mac OS 10.7 or later"

Now I had Quark 8 installed on my rMBP with no problem, though it was installed a few OS versions ago. I tried a demo of the latest Quark app with the same message.

I am assuming it is something to do with 10.10.2, just wondering if anyone else has had this and if so, how did you work around it?


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