jeudi 25 avril 2019

Amazon rant

Again unfortunate that the 90% of users who do not log in will be unable to see this thread once it drops from the top listing.

So I have been noticing this for some time. I very occasionally buy something through Amazon.

I do however frequently search the site for price comparison or to file things away for possible future purchase. When I do so I am never logged in, and my browsers are set to toss their cookies whenever I close the browser. Still it is absolutely spooky the number of eMails I receive from Amazon promoting items I have searched and/or similar items. Only possible explanation is they key into my IP address when I do searches.

A couple of examples: I priced food scales online before buying one at the hardware store, today an eMail promoting scales. Currently looking for a small quiet fan, yesterday an email promoting the same.

Looks like I will have to see what I can do about cloaking my IP, at least when I search Amazon.


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