mercredi 11 mai 2022

2013 27" iMac with Fusion drive failing - SuperDuper has been backing up slowly

iMac is terribly slow to do anything - beachballs all the time, apps take long to launch, booting up takes at least 5 minutes if not longer, then to show the after-login sdesktop it takes another ten minutes etc.

Etrecheck said hard drive shows signs of failure. Disk Utility said said all was well.

So, I decided to do a super duper backup.

Now, SuperDuper has been baking up for 26t hours straight (and counting) - it has completed about 40% of the backup.

Please note, I am not doing...

2013 27" iMac with Fusion drive failing - SuperDuper has been backing up slowly

via Canadian Mac Forums at ehMac

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