dimanche 10 novembre 2013

Stop the presses - how did Pete Seeger get to be 90 years old?

I was watching The Shield (season 4, episode 3) and at the end of the episode is Ben's funeral with a bagpiper playing Amazing Grace which turns into a rock version with vocals. There are hundreds of YouTubes by different artists singing the dirge version but I really like the rock version.

I haven't found the rock version with vocals, but I came across this video of Pete Seeger singing it at his 90th birthday. He just can't be 90. :eek:

If you happen to know of a good rock version of Amazing Grace, please.

There are some good guitar versions, but I can't find the vocal one.

via ehMac.ca http://www.ehmac.ca/showthread.php?t=113178&goto=newpost

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