lundi 6 octobre 2014

how to connect to broken iMac G5?

My Uncle and Aunts old iMac G5 is on the fritz. I am not sure what model yet is it or even what OS they are running. They were saying they were getting a blue screen when trying to boot up and nothing else. I am getting the dark grey apple logo on light grey background and it is spinning and spinning and spinning. It has been trying to boot up for about 20 mins now with no apparent progress.

In the past I would connect via target disk mode and go from there, but I just do not have the ports for that anymore, I am using a Retina MacBook Pro with a belkin thunderbolt dock which only has FW800 on it, not FW400 which the iMac has.

I can't connect via target disk mode with ethernet from everything I have read and I do not have any USB cables that are the same on both ends. Is there anyway I can connect to use data rescue 3 or anything else to see if I can retrieve anything off the hard drive or would I have to start spending money on cables to try and connect via target disk mode?


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