mardi 10 septembre 2013

Help with excel needed

Hi all,

I am in a situation where I need to clear up a number of fields in excel but do not know how to do

The .csv file contains 6 columns A-F

Column F, contains the course codes that each student has in the current year.

Surname, first name, student#, sex, parent email, course code

ex: Doe, Jane 123456, F, mrsdoe, (now the course code) ENG3U0B




Doe, johns, 654321, M, mrdoe, (CHC2D0ASNC2D0BFSF2D0C...etc)

*note the course codes in column F are not separated by a comma..they are continous as shown above.

What I want to do within Column F, is to remove all the students who do not have CHC2D0B

Is there a way to get EXCEL/numbers to do that? I only want to keep the row of students have CHC2D0B in column F

Thanks in advance


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