mercredi 11 septembre 2013

Remembering 9/11

A Phoenix is a bird that rises up from its own demise to be reborn. It is a popular mythological construct that has strong roots in our culture. There is something about this that says "Knock me down and I will stand up again". It is now 12 years since the 2001 attack and the Manhattan skyline once again shows a spire to the world. It is not the largest. It perhaps is not the best. It simply is something about the American spirit.

I fear that this thread may open up the forum to America bashing. This is not my intention, and I hope that it does not take place here. Still, we all have our 9/11 memories and feelings, and we all have a freedom of expression, hopefully with responsibility to use this expression well.

In the year Manhattan's first colony began [1623] such a city as New York would not have been imagined. Don't know what will be here in another 390 years, and possibility this building won't be around then... but I hope a fierce American spirit will still be around as a "shining beacon". We shall see.

Paix, mes amis.

Attached Images

File Type: jpg NYC.jpg (13.1 KB)
File Type: jpg firemflag.jpg (13.2 KB)
File Type: jpg Ground_Zero_Spirit.jpg (44.8 KB)
File Type: jpg liberty.jpg (23.2 KB)


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