mardi 10 septembre 2013

wipe all e-mail references on Apple

Here's my problem. My gmail account was hacked some months ago.

Don't ask, it was not nice.

I had used said gmail account as my Apple user name/e-mail address.

I then removed (or at least think I removed) all references to said gmail address including what i thought was all references to same including the address with Apple.

So my computer finds the updates, the apps icon appears and yep, there is the same gmail address. I have been hacked three times now with Google; so they have been writen off as

a different form of subscription for my so-caleld blind e-mail address.

So here's the problem. How do I remove any and all references to thegmail address?

Don't purchase app(lications) as for me all too many are a waste of time and money.

Never download music off the internet; my preference for music simply is not available on iTunes or anywhere else.

Guess what i am saying is how do I destroy my references and connection to Apple?


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