lundi 3 mars 2014

For Sale 24" iMac 2.4Ghz Upgraded

Apple iMac 2.4Ghz Core 2 duo processor and 24” screen. Everything working and very clean. RAM has been upgraded to 4Gb (2 x 2GB) and the hard drive has very recently been changed to a Kingston HyperX 120GB SSD, so the computer performs very well. Apple extended aluminum wired keyboard and Apple mouse included. As the main system hard drive has been reduced in size for a noticeable speed bump, I will also include an external 320GB hard drive for storage. This drive can be connected to the computer by USB, or by Firewire. Full original specs are available at, or by copy and pasting the link below

iMac "Core 2 Duo" 2.4 24-Inch (Al) Specs (Mid-2007 - 24", MA878LL, iMac7,1, A1225, 2134) @

Mac2Sell (Canada) values this computer at $850, not including the external drive. The full package is available for pick up in Mississauga, computer, keyboard, mouse and external drive for $675.00


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