lundi 22 juillet 2019

Well, I have to say the VW Atlas saved my family from a Drunk Driver.

My wife was reared ended at a complete stop, a drunk driver hit her from behind at 75KM/h

i cannot believe in this time and age we have idiots who still think drinking and driving is still acceptable.. smh - now we have weed to deal with as well..

that said I have to say i am was impressed by the VW ATLAS.. I drove to where the accident happened gave my wife the other SUV to drive home, i drove my atlas home, the officer and I pushed the wheel well away from the tire.. [ i was scorn by tow operators in the past, before you ask why i took it home ]...

The good news is the bitch drunk driver was arrested, had 5 police officers show up as she refused to exit her SUV..


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