samedi 8 décembre 2018

Alberta, the country.

For decades of my life there has been an undercurrent among Alberta's population for separation. It's like the tide: Depending on who is in Ottawa at the time, the swell comes & goes.

Living through PET's rape of Alberta in the 80's (NEP) made me a lifetime member of the "Albertan before Canada" club and, quite frankly, I have no memory of being a Canadian first. Perhaps as a wide-eyed youth. I honestly can't recall.

I do, however, have memories of the wave of Western separation that washed over many conversations, spawning such dreams as the Western Canada Concept political party, among others.

The Reform Party's efforts to make the West more relevant, with their "The West Wants In" slogan, was the most successful of the grass roots movements. However, it fell far short of what Alberta truly needs.

As much of a prick as Cretien was, he didn't seem to pick the separation scab much. Harper made things a bit easier to take but failed to deal with what westerners in general & Alberta in particular would term critical.

Now we have Jr., the airhead. A twice dropped out grad student, a snowboard instructor, a substitute dama teacher (I'd still like to find out what happened there...), a trust fund baby born with a silver spoon in his mouth who has never worked a day in his life.

The swell of separation is higher than I ever recall, largely due to The Dope's complete distain for Alberta (he learned well from his father) and at least partly because of Red Rachel. It's no longer just a few people talking loudly. It's many men & women quietly voicing their concern for the arrogance of the Laurentian Elite.

I ran across this post today & there are a string of comments, including quotes from articles, that just struck a note today.

I'm tired of the central Canadian a$$holes pulling the puppet strings. I'm tired of our $12 billion transfer payments going to a province that refuses to develop its own resources & is content to receive gov't welfare. I'm tired of being told we can't build pipelines to move our petroleum product to world markets. I'm tired of leftist, Progressive group-think. I'm tired of having French on my cereal box. I'm tired of dysfunctional Kaybeck businesses receiving gov't welfare. I'm tired of being Canada's milch cow.

It's long overdue, my Alberta friends. It's time to grab the bull by the horns & get the hell out.

It's time to secede.


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