mercredi 13 septembre 2017

iPhone X and more

Things certainly have changed in the Mac community and here on ehMac. A new release of a new iPhone, updates and such and not a single thread... at least that I have seen. I am not surprised though, the magic, innovation and excitement seems to be gone from new Apple releases. While the iPhone X looks very cool, there is not a whole lot there, at least not enough to say this iPhone X is like the first iPhone to be released and will change everything.

I have to say Apples smugness has gotten very annoying with everything being "amazing" and "the best thing ever". What was really released? Some nice things for sure, wireless charging, not game changing and has been out for a long time on Android phones, facial recognition, again a nice feature but not new and been out on Android. The better camera is a given and really they make way to big a deal about that. Every flagship phone gets these updates, better battery, better camera, better screen, faster cpu, etc.

Pretty much since the inception of the iPhone I have bought a new iPhone with each release. With sky rocketing prices of the iPhone X and really not a whole lot of "wow" outside of the nerdy love of that big screen with almost no bezel, I cannot see a huge improvement over my 7 plus, at least nothing that is really going to benefit me greatly. I like wireless charging but I am not paying $1500 for that feature. Also feels like a slap in the face and a real greed move by Apple ( I know I know they are out to make money) by getting rid of the 128 gig model. 64 gigs is to small, 256 is way to big, 128 was perfect and had a better price point for me and I am sure there are a few others who feel the same. Same thing goes for the Apple Watch. Instead of lowering the price of the Apple Watch 2 to make way for the 3, they remove the 2 altogether and keep the Apple Watch 1 and 3. I would buy a reduced price Apple Watch 2. I currently use a fitbit but like the Apple Watch better, other then the price.

I am not getting ride of my Apple products by any means, but I am certainly not spending near as much as I used to. I also do not think Apple will change or do anything better, outside of bigger and better emojis and better cameras as they are making money... a lot of it. I get it from their end, keep going as it is selling, but as an end user they really have taken a step down in my opinion.

Maybe it is just me, but this is not the Apple I grew to love under Steve Jobs.


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