samedi 28 octobre 2017

JFK Files: The 2017 Release

So - what's everyone's favourite bit of the JFK file reveal so far?

The most juicy files, apparently, even Trump wouldn't / couldn't release (delayed until sometime in 2018 at least).

Here are a couple that are making the rounds:

JFK files: British paper got anonymous call just before assassination Guardian UK

...and the second we already knew quite a bit about, but it's worth reposting. For those who see the USA as the guiding beacon of light, freedom and justice in the world, don't forget that it has a murderous history of interfering in the internal affairs of independent nations (Guatemala 1956; Cuba 1961; Chile 1973; Grenada 1983; many, many others). Cuba has borne the brunt of several of these acts, to name just a couple:

JFK Files Expose CIA Plot to Stage Miami Bombings and Blame Fidel Castro TelesurTV

JFK files release shows US had bizarre plans to kill Fidel Castro, including bacteria swimsuits and boobytrapped seashells | The Independent

Still lots of things we don't know...

JFK assassination: Questions that won't go away - BBC News


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