jeudi 11 janvier 2018

The Ontario Political Thread

We need a thread on these boards to separate the Ontario Progs from the Ottawa Progs.

I'll start:

Vilification of Tim Hortons and Ontario Small Businesses another bleak sign Canada is in a slow lockstep march towards socialistic collapse


Leave it to the premier of Ontario and Canada’s state broadcaster to stoke anti-business ire by using Canada’s once-beloved homegrown coffee chain as their scapegoat.

After Premier Kathleen Wynne rammed through new legislation hiking the minimum wage by 21 per cent at the start of 2018, without conducting any impact assessment and going against her old pledge to not raise it above inflation and giving only six-months notice, the CBC had the perfect news report to whip up proletarian anger at the business community, which would deflect blame from the unpopular Liberal premier.
h/t SDA, from whence comes this prescient comment:


If a small cut in tax revenue that decreases government revenues or a small cut in government subsidies is outrageous and immoral, but large government imposed policies that reduces the profitability of small businesses and results in fewer jobs for low income citizens is social justice....then you might be a progressive.
Nails it.


Just who’s the bully when it comes to minimum wage hikes?


Dramatically increasing minimum wages in the food industry is irresponsible and even reckless.

On Jan. 1, Ontario’s minimum wage increased by 22 per cent, to $14 an hour. It will go to $15 on Jan. 1, 2019. That’s almost a 32 per cent increase in 12 months. Other provinces, such as Alberta and B.C., will follow suit.

This obviously puts pressure on many businesses to recalibrate operating budgets. And the large food sector, where many workers earn the minimum wage, is already coping with major headwinds.


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