samedi 3 septembre 2016

The Threat Of Political Correctness, Real And Imagined

Yep, fits the policy to a 'T'!


Has political correctness gone too far in Canada? Are Canadians too quick to take offence? Is Donald Trump’s rise to Republican presidential candidate somehow connected to this?

The Angus Reid Institute, a “not-for-profit, non-partisan public opinion research organization,” released a poll this week that raised these questions. Its findings are startling and important.

The survey of 1,510 people found that two-thirds of Canadians (67 per cent) believe that “too many people are easily offended these days over the language others use.” Three-quarters (76 per cent) believe “political correctness has gone too far.” Eighty per cent say, “These days, it seems like you can’t say anything without someone feeling offended.”

Clearly, political correctness is on Canadians’ minds. They believe that their language is being policed by unnamed forces. Three-quarters say they routinely hold their tongues in the presence of others, mostly to be polite, but also to avoid negative judgment.

More in the Globe and Mail.

The threat of political correctness, real and imagined - The Globe and Mail


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