lundi 22 septembre 2014

Wanted To Buy wanted old macs

Looking for

Plus,SE,Classic anything in this style






Why you ask. Because Im nuts. I had these and gave them away. Ill probably find some and fix them and put them on a shelf and never use them but for some reason my collection feels very incomplete without them.

I had owned literally over 50% of every model of Mac made over the past 20 years but through, moving and loss of jobs and divorce I had to ditch 95% of my collection :((

Now Im looking just for a few old Macs who I really liked to keep me company.

These will never be sold they are being collected and cared for and will remain in my custody.

Why just the old guys. I have enough from the Beige G3 and up.

Word of wise, never trust a friend who says they will store your equipment indefinitely for you. After the smoke clears and when you arrive 4 years later to look at your stash of prestine Macintosh Vintage equipment only to find an empty basement and a smirk comment that it was taking up too much space. A call would have been nice before you gave it all away or trashed it...

Sorry for the added rant..




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