mardi 12 avril 2016

Is low RAM still an issue with an SSD?

I'm in the process of advising/buying a new Mac notebook for three different people.

I know I need to find out what they wish to use their Mac for but I have a general question.

For one - all of them want a notebook with a 13-inch screen - some like a MBa others a MBp
A lot of the newer configurations by Apple only include 4 GB of RAM which is often soldered in and can't be expanded except when placing the original order.

I know upgrading three of the existing MBp's in the family from 4GB of RAM to 16 GB of RAM made a huge difference in the responsiveness - but those were 2012 MBp's with a standard hard drive.

Does a new Mac with an SSD drive eliminate the need to run more than 4GB of RAM since access times to the SSD will be much faster.

Any practical experience in that respect?



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