samedi 20 juillet 2013

Les Paul's Name Cachet

A couple of days ago my wife's sister and husband were visiting us here in Saskatchewan from British Columbia and asked our thirteen year old to pull out his guitar and play for them. He gladly obliged and the first guitar he pulled out was his black Gibson Les Paul Standard. He played for a few minutes and they listened politely along with my 86 year old mother in law. He had fun playing alot of different stuff and at one point he paused for a few seconds and my mother in law stated that he played really well and she was impressed with how good he was getting. She then asked "Does that say Les Paul on the guitar?" looking at the headstock. My son replied "Yes Nan". She then said slowly, "Nice... he was quite a guitar player!" Although it was only a couple of days ago I smile every time I think of it. That Les Paul fella has cross generational name cachet.


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