vendredi 12 septembre 2014

Setting up my iMac - Users / iPhoto / NAS / cloud access

Hi folks - I'm new to the forum, and new to owning an iMac, which we just got.

My Computers:

a. My wife and I will be the only users on the iMac.

b. We also have each an iPhone5, and have 1 iPad (might get another).

c. We also have 2 AppleTV boxes.

d. I would like to get another iMac later (for downstairs).

My Desires:

A. We wish to both be able to access, add to, and modify our photos.

B. We wish safe backup for the data.

C. I would also like to access our photos and data remotely, but I do not like the idea of storing stuff on the cloud.

My Questions are:

1. How best to set up the iMac? I believe 2 users is best, correct? If so, how best to access the iPhotos? I've read that we have to have a separate HardDrive to allow us both to access, add to, and modify the photos. Is this correct?

2. We wish safe backup for the data. I've been told to get a RAID device. We bought a G-RAID (supposedly has 2 HDs in it). But this RAID only has a USB connection, so it must be connected to the computer directly.

3. I would also like to access our photos and data remotely, but I do not like the idea of storing stuff on the cloud. I've heard that I should get a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device, with cloud I can connect to my own NAS (which will reside at my home) from anywhere. What is a good NAS to get?

4. How do I combine #2, and that I have this G-RAID, can I still use it? Or should I only use the NAS?

Many, many thanks in advance for any assistance you can give.


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