mardi 27 janvier 2015

Windows Technical Support now has a Mac Division!!!!

Just an FYI to the Mac users out there who might get this type of call from "Windows Technical Support". They are now trying to scam us as well.

Had one of these calls today. Felt like playing along. When he finally asked what operating system I was using and I told him I expected to hear a click. But no! They must now have Mac training because I was asked to go to Safari and download a copy of Teamviewer.

For those who might not know what Teamviewer is, it is a legitimate piece of software that allows someone to completely take control of a remote computer. Allow someone to use it on your machine is akin to having them sit beside you and watch ever key you type in.

Then when I said that I should just take my Mac into Apple to get it fixed, he said he could prove that my machine had problems with it. He took me to the w3 site (governing body of web and HTML standards) and told me to go into the validator (which I have used in the past to check small web pages I was writing) and put in my email address. Then he tried to convince me that the 'errors' it was reporting were coming from my computer. Of course there were errors, I didn't enter a proper web site address for the validator to check.


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