mercredi 16 juillet 2014

Apple joins forces with Big Blue to go Enterprise

Apple Makes Deal With IBM to Bolster Its Enterprise Presence

Via: Wall Street Cheat Sheet:

In a joint press release, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and IBM (NYSE:IBM) announced a partnership to collaborate on mobile tools for enterprise, developing new apps to provide big data and analytics tools for iPhones and iPads.

Under the partnership, the companies will develop more than 100 “industry-specific” iOS apps for businesses in areas like retail, healthcare, banking, travel and transportation, telecommunications, and insurance.

IBM will introduce the MobileFirst Platform for iOS, which will integrate cloud services, device management, security, analytics, productivity, and mobile integration, optimized specifically for iOS. Apple will offer business-tailored AppleCare service and support, which will be available to IT departments and users 24/7.

And IBM will sell iPhones and iPads, along with new and industry-specific services, to help businesses worldwide more easily buy and manage iOS devices.


How far we've come...

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