mercredi 2 juillet 2014

iPhone 4s speaker sound not working

I've had my iPhone4s for 2 years of a 3 yr contract. Love it!

Except now I have no speaker sound - no alarm sound, nor ringtones. No Siri voice or Youtube sound, etc. I can hear a phone call voice against my ear. Just don't hear the ringing.

So, I googled the problem. Found a ton of solutions. Seems as if I'm not the only one...

No sound coming from my iPhone » iPhone No Sound

Tried most of the software solutions without result. Several suggested changing the 1) dock connector as a cheap fix. I don't want to open the iPhone to brave that.

So, I took my iPhone to our one local Apple reseller in our small city. Told me the speaker is kaput! They can't do hardware repairs and would have to send it out of town. I'm doubtful about the quality of the diagnosis. Would a sales store have the skills to check a defective speaker vs a defective dock connector?

My options are:

2) They fix it or supply me a refurbished iPhone for $200 Cdn.

3) Buy out my contract for $150 and upgrade to 5c for $100 plus a 2 year contract.

I didn't buy any insurance.

Of course, they erased all my files which I'm restoring from iTunes as we speak. Gawd, it's taking hours!!! I'm hoping my NOTES, contacts, photos, emails, etc will come back.

What's your suggestion for my 3 choices for repair?


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