dimanche 10 mai 2015

Mouse hunt: recos?

I hate being on my track pad.

Been looking for a mouse to replace this very unresponsive portable mouse that's seemingly dating from antiquity. Anyhow, i was in FS ummm... Best Buy yesterday looking and wow... it's a sea of choices. But, I did catch a few from MS that seemed interesting.

Ergo Mouse

Comfort Mouse

Both were comfy. The little rubber section did offer a very comfy grip.

There were a few from Logitech i liked, and i am trying to take this one with me on the road with me. I had seen this one online, but didn't realize how small his ultra thin touch mouse was. But it reminds me too much of the magic mouse though...

Oddly, i'm still a fan of a corded mouse, and with all these models that have a miniature USB receivers, i'm scared i'll just lose it.

What's everyone out here using? Magic Mouse?? I'm not a huge fan...

Side note - they sure have skyrocketed in price since I last bought one.

via ehMac.ca http://ift.tt/1Iuwed7

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