lundi 25 mai 2015

Waco, TX massacre

Don't know how may of you have heard about this. Not covered much besides blogs, etc.

I don't know who is right & who is wrong & there is BS flying from all directions but there is something about this whole sordid affair that just doesn't pass the sniff test.

The first link gives a rough overview of what happened.

The second asks what may have happened if the bikers were anything besides white or Hispanic.

The third comes across as the most informed & has multiple links to stories, the first of relevance is dated May 18. Start at that one & read up from there, anything with Waco in the title.

Waco “Twin Peaks” Shooting Updates: 14 Police Officers Fired “thousands of rounds” on 200 Bikers Killing 9, Wounding 18 – Two Thirds Of Those Arrested Had No Prior Criminal History…

What if Those Bikers had Been, Like, Another Color?

The Ageing Rebel


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