mardi 11 février 2014

Replacement keys for MacBook / Pro?

My former (now wife's) MacBook (late-2008 aluminium) and my current late-2011 MacBook Pro both have seriously worn out keyboards. The W, E, R, T, A, S, D, C, I, O, N, M and left Command keys are just transparent plastic circles with black borders XX)

Anyone want to recommend a source for replacement keys? Maybe something not so plain as the original black ones? I rarely do video editing, so a Final Cut keyset, while colourful, is not going to be particularly useful to me.

Lazerwood Industries sells this kit for stick-on wooden keys ($40USD):

They have sets for multiple languages, desktops and MacBook Pro models... though I'd be wary of using these for fear of them damaging the screen on the laptop. Plus, you lose the backlight effect on the keys.

Here's a source for original key replacements, but - man - $4.95/key? Maybe I should just find a trashed MBP on eBay... I have about 15 keys that should be replaced... $75 at that shop....



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