lundi 12 août 2013

MSExcel questio

Please be gentle. I used to be a programmer, but I've been away from it for several years. I'm not afraid to do the heavy lifting, but I need to be pointed in the right direction.

Is it possible to detect a mouse click in a cell in an Excel worksheet?

I have a list of words in column A. If I click on a cell in column A, I want the word in that column to move or copy to column B.

I've googled but can't find an answer. There are some suggestions of using VBA which I might have to resort to using, but that's a bit much for my current needs.

If this isn't possible, does anyone know of a really lean database app? There used to be lots that were in early development, but the ones I know have all gone commercial and my needs are modest so spending a load of money isn't practical.



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