mercredi 28 août 2013

On the abuse of the "Ignore" button.

So, I understand fully what the "Ignore" button's purpose is. No problem. If you have so little self-control that you simply can't help but respond to a post (It wasn't my fault, yer honour, they made me do it...), I guess the "Ignore" button is an effective self-censor.

That said, I believe that dropping a smart a$$ comment custom tailored to elicit a response into the middle of a thread that you know is populated almost entirely by people on your ignore list is the ultimate act of chicken shite cowardice and makes you the biggest troll on these boards.

Post it & own it, "Ignore" button off. Grow a spine for once in your life and take the flak you generate. Either that or just don't bother posting there.

Jes' sayin'...


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