lundi 22 décembre 2014

In Europe, obesity is a disability...

In Europe, obesity is a disability: Court ruling forces companies to offer overweight staff lighter work loads


Being fat is a disability, EU judges have ruled, meaning that companies in Europe must offer obese staff bigger chairs, special parking spaces and a lighter work load.

Thursday’s judgment by the European Court of Justice means that fatness “can constitute a disability” under EU equality at work legislation – a ruling that is legally binding for all British employers.

Fabulous. Hope they won't mind having their pay docked for doing less work, as well. I imagine there are going to be far less hirings in their future. Talk about shooting oneself in the foot.

And, now that's it's OK to categorize obese persons, surely they won't mind being charged extra for things like aircraft seating, among others.

<just shaking my head...>


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