jeudi 28 novembre 2013

Question on closing the house for a month in Winter

My wife and I will be away for a whole month in December, and I am worried about frozen pipes etc.

I live in Burlington ON in a townhouse. The heat will be on while we are away, set at around 23-25 degrees.

Some people told me that I should shut the water mains and drain the pipes by flushing all toilets and opening all taps until nothing comes out.

Some others told me not to do that, but to leave a tap running.

However, the "Shut the mains and drain everything" group tells me not to leave one tap running because that will surely get the pipes frozen etc. Plus, I am also not too happy with wasting so much water.

I am confused. Can more experienced people here throw some light on what I am supposed to do please?

Thanks and cheers


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