lundi 17 novembre 2014

Is there any relatively easy way to monitor ISP traffic?

I have a wireless network using a Belkin F5D8236-4 v3000 router.

There are currently four computers connected to it, all via WiFi.

The connection to the net is via DSL provided by Bell.

I would like to monitor the total traffic, incoming and outgoing, to Bell.

For one to make sure their traffic measurement is correct but also because their "real time" traffic measurement is always four hours behind the actual traffic.

This creates a problem if I'm close to the end of my billing period and also close to my limit - with the Bell tracking I never know if I'm going over until it's too late.

I'm currently using TraffiX but I think that just measures traffic from and to the Mac it's installed on, not the total of all four computers - three Macs and one PC


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