jeudi 8 octobre 2015

Paramount opens a YouTube channel: full films free!

Paramount's New YouTube Channel Lets You Watch Full Movies For Free

Here's an interesting strategy. Paramount Pictures has created a YouTube channel called The Paramount Vault that allows you to stream a selection of Paramount movies for free. To be fair, it's not like that selection is full of famous Paramount titles (although the sizzle reel video might have you believe that's the case), but there's a mixture of obscure older films, awful B-movies, Elvis Presley musicals, and much more. It's worth clicking around to see what's available in case there's something you've been dying to see that isn't on Netflix.

The Dolph Lundgren vehicle Masters of the Universe film is there, as well as the little-seen horror film The Loved Ones (which has something of a cult following since it was never given a big enough release by the studio after it acquired the Aussie movie a few years ago). You can also watch something called Turtle Power, a documentary about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles phenomenon, if that's more up your alley.


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