jeudi 5 février 2015

Another company leaving Canada... Redbox

Another company is leaving Canada.

Redbox is leaving Canada this month . The last day to rent movies from them is February 13th.

Not sure if it was available all over Canada, but I noticed about 5 of these kiosks around Kitchener at gas stations, grocery stores, and other areas. You could use the kiosk and computer display to rent a DVD for $1.50 a day and Blurays for $2 a day.

They were running quite a few promotions to get a free DVD on Thursdays and emailing promo codes to get a few movies.

I used it a few times... but... I'm just using Netflix, iTunes and other streaming services more and more. I just can't be bothered to get in the car and drive to a location. (Goodbye blockbuster)

It looks like the service is still running strong in the US.

Yet another company leaving Canada.


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